800-278-9626 | M-Th 7AM - 3:30PM PST
For the benefit of the Assisted Athlete, it is always best to have the correct measurements to ensure the comfort and safety while in their push chair or racer.
Please follow these simple instructions on how to measure your passenger. Please call us immediately if you have any questions.
For the best results, have the Assisted Athlete sit in a hard open back chair Preferably a kitchen chair or their Wheelchair. IMPORTANT!! Do not take measurements while Assisted Athlete is laying down.
Allow them to sit in a relaxed position as that is how they will sit in the chair.
Keep the measuring tape straight at all times. Do not contour the measuring tape to their body.
While measuring from the tailbone to top of head, it is a good idea to have a ruler handy. Holding the ruler on top of the head partially sticking straight out, use the measuring tape from the tailbone to the underside of the ruler. You can use this same technique with the seat depth measurement as well, putting the ruler under the back of the knee.
Lower leg length, seat depth and seated height when added together should equal or be very close to their actual total height in inches.
Seat depth and lower leg length should both be very close to the same measurement.
*In order to better serve our clients, we do require a measurement chart for any of our size 4 chairs. If you decline to have a chart completed, it will then become a final sale.