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Who is Team Agar?

Johnny, despite being diagnosed with cerebral palsy, has willed himself to become the athlete he has always dreamed of being. And his dad, Jeff, has been the arms, legs, and power to help Johnny fulfill that dream.

Known for their determination and ability to motivate, Team Agar helps audiences to retain, engage and inspire their team members from executives to clients and everyone in between. They help organizations look beyond the challenges they face and inspire them to push past the impossible, while never letting failure get in the way of success. when it all started.

They have been in over 200 races, including 5 marathons, numerous half marathons, 25Ks, 10Ks and 5Ks. They have also participated in over 30 triathlons which include everything from Sprint distance to a full Ironman of 140.6 miles. TeamAgar attempted five full Ironman’s including the iconic Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii, which was chronicled by NBC. This past September, 2022 Team Agar completed their first, full distance Ironman in Maryland where Johnny walked across the finish line.

team Agar’s mission

Johnny’s cerebral palsy gave them three gifts:

  1. Obstacles are learning opportunities

  2. Failure is part of the process

  3. Take small steps

It seems odd that those would be considered gifts, yet those 3 lessons have led to Team Agar’s purpose: to be able to encourage others so that more people can keep moving forward against whatever challenges they are facing.

Their rallying cry? “Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.”

johnny agar’s book

Perhaps the most extraordinary element of Johnny Agar’s memoir is not that he has the guts, humor, and faith to overcome physical limitations, but that he views his cerebral palsy with deep appreciation for the way it shaped him into the man he is today.

After Johnny was told by experts that he probably would never walk, an army of allies – from his family to caregivers, to friends and fellow athletes—teaches him what it takes to triumph against all odds.

This is Johnny’s moving tale of unconditional love from a family who always believed in him, a faith that always guided him, and a courage deep inside that allowed him to accomplish the impossible.

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